It’s been a while eh? Yeah, life has been strange and interesting. After the complete fiasco of trying to work with someone to open two restaurants and three food trucks — as well as some thought about starting a newspaper/magazine in another state — I found myself in need of employment. What happened? What happened is I learned early that I would not be able to work with him and was able to cut bait before I was in too deep. Yeah, kind of cryptic I know, but I don’t want to name names and point fingers… let’s just say it all worked out for the best.
So I took a job as a greenskeeper at a local golf course. It was great! By 06:00 I was on a mower called “Goofy” and together we mowed the collars and approaches. Goofy was a bit temperamental and needed special attention. She even bit me on the ankle which took 3 months to heal properly. It was great and I enjoyed being outside and riding around a beautiful golf course every morning.
Then they found me!
I was driving Goofy back to the barn and my boss flagged me down and informed me that two lead cooks had to be fired and I was to go talk to the chef right away. My boss knew of my restaurant experience and once I explained my experience as part of a talented resort brigade to the chef, I was offered a 50% raise to be the lead cook. I am now the sous chef and second in command. Truth is, I like it much more than I thought I would.
So now I get to leverage my experience as a BBQ Pitmaster to make several Prim Rib roasts each week as well as have my own weekly BBQ specials.
Carrie is also there part-time as a hostess. She doesn’t like it but it beats waiting for me to come home. That, and she makes a little money too.
Our Amazon influencer journey continues. I’m up to 275 videos and we are making some money. It’s not hard and just takes time. We want it to be our full-time gig and I think by this time next year, it will be very lucrative. I’m excited.