Three Months on the Vine

As I have written before, I was accepted to the Amazon Vine Voice program 3 months ago and I have been receiving products for two of those three months. (The first order was placed on January 22, 2023.)
174 products ordered
132 products reviewed
Everything from plates to shirts, we have ordered a lot of products. Admittedly, we would never have purchased most of these products if it were not for the program and desire to create content. That is why it’s a business expense. Funny, we still pay for what we want/need and review those too.
It’s been an avalanche of work and it’s a good thing I’m between gigs right now. We are limited to 3 products per day (under $100), even that’s a chore because most products are nothing we are interested in reviewing. I am having a hard time imagining what it’s going to be like ordering 8 products per day (no $$ limit). I do have a vision but it involves multiple remote-controlled cameras in a dedicated studio environment.
We have set up a studio in the dining room and when we’re in the zone, things go pretty fast. I have a half dozen reviews in the can right now, and I should be working on those instead of this. The pile of products that are unboxed on the floor is growing. I really need to get caught up!
The sun is coming up and I need to get to work. Today is going to be a busy one to be sure. On top of everything else going on, it looks like I’m back in the web mastering business picking up 4 new websites plus the few I’m working on for myself. I’m going to have to work 20-hour days for a while.
Old habits die hard. (grin)